


openCPQ applications are written in JavaScript. While you need not be a JavaScript expert, you are expected to have some basic understanding of the language. (Even if you don't know JavaScript right now, it might be worthwhile to learn. It's useful for many things, not just for openCPQ.) For convenience, we are using modern JavaScript features from ECMAScript 2015/2016 and a few more new features supported by Babel. These features might be new to you, but you can look them up as you go.

We also use a few popular tools and libraries from the JavaScript ecosystem. This tutorial aims to provide all the steps necessary to get the examples running, but you might need to consult the respective documentation when you're working on your own application. (Again, knowing about those tools is useful beyond openCPQ.)


openCPQ applications need some preprocessing before they can be executed. We are using tools from the node.js ecosystem for this. You need to have the JavaScript interpreter node and the related package manager npm installed. (The examples of this tutorial are known to work with version 6.3.1 of node.js.) Make sure that the bin directory of the downloaded and unpacked node.js distribution is listed in your PATH environment variable, so that the programs node and npm will be found by your system.

Getting started

The Project Folder

In an empty folder run the command

npm init

to set up a package.json file, which will hold some configuration for your app. You can answer each of the questions asked by npm init by just hitting the enter/return key. The default answers are ok for now.


Now install openCPQ and third-party packages:

npm install --save-dev opencpq@0.1.2 webpack@^1.8.4 webpack-dev-server@^1.8.0 babel-loader@^5.0.0 css-loader@^0.10.1 file-loader@^0.8.1 less-loader@^2.2.0 style-loader@^0.10.1 url-loader@^0.5.6 babel-core@^5.1.2 bootstrap@^3.3.5 less@^2.3.1 browser-filesaver@^1.0.0 react@^0.13.1 react-bootstrap@^0.20.1 react-widgets@^2.4.1 babel-plugin-object-assign@^1.2.1

(npm may try to compile some C++ code for the indirectly used packages bufferutil and utf-8-validate using the gyp tool. This may fail and produce error messages. You can ignore these messages since these packages are optional.)

A quick overview of the installed packages:

  • opencpq is the openCPQ library.
  • webpack and webpack-dev-server will be used to package up your application. (If you are familiar with another packaging tool such as browserify and prefer to use that, this should work as well. Notice that we are using CommonJS-style modules and will migrate to ECMAScript-6 modules. This needs to be supported by your packager.)
  • The packages ...-loader will be used by webpack to handle files of certain types.
  • babel-core contains the JavaScript preprocessor Babel, which converts JavaScript with modern features into more traditional JavaScript so that it is understood by current (or even older) browsers.
  • From bootstrap we are primarily using the CSS styling for the UI components of our application. less is used to convert the styling from the higher-level language "less" to CSS syntax.
  • react is a UI library heavily used by openCPQ. react-bootstrap and react-widgets provide UI components.
  • babel-plugin-object-assign is not used directly but only by other packages. For technical reasons it must nevertheless be installed explicitly here.

You may omit the version numbers (@...) to get the latest versions of the packages. But using them reduces incompatibility risks. In particular, this tutorial has been written for the given version of openCPQ.

The option --save-dev makes sure that the packages are not only installed in the subfolder node_modules, but that the package names and versions are also saved as "dependencies" in the file package.json. (Actually the packages are "development dependencies", indicating that you only need them while you are developing your application but not when you will run it.) If you manage your application in a version-control system, you can exclude the (huge) node_modules folder from version control. After a fresh checkout of the project folder from version control, you can simply run npm install to install all the dependencies.

Hello World

In your project folder, create a file index.html with this content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>openCPQ Tutorial</title>

  <script src="bundle.js"></script>

..., a file index.js with this content:

import React from "react";

import {
    CGroup, cmember,
    CSelect, ccase, cdefault, unansweredCase,
    renderTree, rootPath,
} from "opencpq";

const model = CGroup([
    cmember("size", "Size", CSelect([
    cmember("color", "Color", CSelect([
        unansweredCase("Select Color"),
    cmember("text", "Text to print on your T-shirt:", CString()),

const workbench = CWorkbench(
    ctx => ({}),
    innerNode => (
            <h1>Configure Your T-Shirt</h1>

    () => ({
        path: rootPath,
        problems: new Problems(),

..., and a file webpack.config.js with this content:

"use strict";

var webpack = require("webpack");
var path = require("path");

module.exports = {
    target: "web",
    entry: [
    output: {
        path: path.resolve("dst"),
        filename: "bundle.js",
        pathinfo: true,
    module: {
        loaders: [
            { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: "babel?stage=0" },
            { test: /\.json$/, loader: "json" },
            { test: /\.css$/, loader: "style!css" },
            { test: /\.less$/, loader: "style!css!less" },
            { test: /\.(eot|gif|svg|ttf|woff2?)(\?.*)?$/, loader: "url?limit=10000" },
            { test: /\.png$/, loader: "url-loader?mimetype=image/png&limit=10000" },
    debug: true,
    devtool: "source-map",

Finally run this command:

node_modules/.bin/webpack --progress --production

This should create a subfolder dst containing a copy of your file index.html. Point your browser to that file. If all went well, you can see a simple T-shirt configurator.

What's Going On?

The webpack configuration in webpack.config.js (which is actually JavaScript code, giving you, when needed, all the power of a programming language for setting up complex configurations) says:

  • It's an application to be run in web browsers.
  • The output should include your files
    • index.html (as a separate file, named index.html again) and
    • index.js and everything required by it recursively (packed into a "bundle" by default).
  • The generated output should go to subfolder dst. Bundled files should be packaged into file bundle.js. Include some path information (that is, names and location of the original files) in the bundle, which may become helpful for investigating problems.
  • Use certain handlers (the "loaders" which we installed earlier) for preprocessing and bundling certain file types.
  • Include debugging support in the bundle, in particular a mapping from the preprocessed and bundled code back to the respective source code. This will be used by JavaScript debuggers in web browsers to show you the original source code.

The HTML file index.html does little more than loading the packaged JavaScript code from bundle.js.

The JavaScript file index.js contains the actual configurator and some boilerplate code:

  • At the core of the JavaScript code is the definition of the variable model. It contains the configurator logic. Here the model is a group CGroup([...]) with three members cmember(...):
    • A menu (CSelect([...])) with items (ccase(...)) for the available sizes. Size "M" is marked as the default choice.
    • A menu for the available colors. The first case is tagged as "unanswered" so that users will be notified if they did not yet select a color.
    • An input field for text that should be printed on the T-shirt.
  • cmember takes three arguments: An internal name of the member, a label for the UI, and a model for the member.
  • Variable workbench holds the "workbench", that is, the overall page content. (In this simple example it consists only of the toolbar and the actual configuration UI.) For now we ignore the details, except for the fact that the model is passed as an argument to the workbench.
  • Finally renderTree attaches the workbench to the <body> element of the HTML page. Again, we ignore the technical details for now.

We are using arrow functions from ECMAScript 6. We use them mostly because of their concise notation and usually don't care about the subtle difference regarding the keyword this between "classic" functions (introduced by the keyword function) and arrow functions. (Anyway the treatment of this in arrow functions is considered to be the more natural one.) We are also using ECMAScript-6 syntax for importing modules.

In index.js we can actually use all the new JavaScript syntax supported by Babel, including the experimental features. The latter are enabled by the option stage=0 for the Babel loader in the webpack configuration. But notice that in webpack.config.js we are restricted to the more traditional JavaScript syntax supported directly by node.

Two Hints

For a more convenient development experience, you can run

node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server --progress --watch

in your project folder. (Not in the dst subfolder!)

  • The webpack development server will directly serve the generated output to http://localhost:8080/index.html without using the output folder.
  • The development server observes your source file (but not the webpack configuration!) and re-builds whenever a file changes. If you open http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/index.html, your configurator will be embedded in a helper application that reloads the configurator after each re-build.

To reduce the amount of typing and the complexity of commands to memorize you can replace the "scripts" section of package.json by

  "scripts": {
    "dev-server": "node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server --progress --watch",
    "build": "node_modules/.bin/webpack --progress --production"

(Be careful about the JSON syntax here. In particular use commas to separate the properties of an object, but not after the last property of an object. And use quotes around property names. JSON parsers are pickier than JavaScript parsers.)

Now you can use npm run dev-server to start the development server or npm run build for a one-time build into ./dst.

Using the Configurator

In your browser you find the two menus and the text area corresponding to the three questions that a user has to answer.

Things to note in the configurator:

  • The default value "M" has been pre-selected as the size.
  • Each input widget has to its right a greyed-out button containing either a check mark or a cross mark. (The button becomes fully visible if you move the mouse cursor over it.)
    • If the current value has been explicitly provided by the user, the button contains a cross mark. Clicking the button will retract the user input and replace it with the default value.
    • If the user has not yet provided input or has retracted a previous input, the button contains a check mark. Clicking the button tells the configurator that the user accepts the default. That is, the current default value will be used as the explicit user choice.

And a few notes about the tool bar:

  • You can use the "undo" and "redo" buttons for undoing and redoing your editing actions.
  • The "reset" button retracts all user inputs and sets the configuration back to the initial default state. Even a "reset" action can be undone and redone.
  • The buttons "save", "restore", "import", and "export" are essentially placeholders for an integration of your configurator in a backend system. In your current configurator
    • "save" will store your current configuration state in browser-local storage and "restore" will retrieve the stored state from there. Notice that the stored state survives closing and opening the configurator page. This dummy implementation can only hold a single configuration state. A backend integration would of course support managing multiple states.
    • "export" allows you to download the current configuration state as a JSON file. With "import" you can set the configuration to a state exported previously to some file. (The file-selection widget is used by imports only. In case of an "export" the user will be asked for a download destination as usual.)

Refining the Configurator

Conditional Group Members

We want to allow users to select whether the text printed on the T-shirt should be black or white. This is easy to achieve by adding a new group member:

    cmember("textColor", "Text Color", CSelect([
        unansweredCase("Select Text Color"),

Notice that without an explicit default case the first one (black) becomes the default automatically.

However, we don't want to bother users with this choice if they have not selected any text to print. We can achieve this by making the "textColor" member conditional. Instead of the cmember(...) expression above, we add the following element to the CGroup([...]):

    ({value = {}}) =>
        value.text && value.text.trim().length > 0
        ? cmember("textColor", "Text Color", CSelect([
            unansweredCase("Select Text Color"),
        : null,

There are a few things to explain here:

  • An element of the array passed to CGroup may be a function. (We are using an arrow function here. See above for some notes on arrow functions.) In this case the function will be invoked with the group's "context" to determine the actual group member.
  • The context is an object with several properties. Here we use the property value, which contains the group's current configuration state as a JSON object. For conciseness we use ECMAScript-6 destructuring for the function parameter: The formal parameter {value = {}} sets the local variable value to the value property of the context passed as an argument. If the context's value property is undefined (which happens particularly at the beginning of the configuration process), the local value will be set to an empty object {}.
  • In JavaScript and other languages a "conditional expression" x ? y : z is evaluated like this: If x evaluates to true (or some value considered true when used as a boolean), then y is evaluated to give the value of the conditional expression. Otherwise z is used.
  • We test the value's text property holding the text to print. If that property exists and does not only consist of whitespace, then we return the cmember(...) element from before. Otherwise we return null.
  • An element of the array passed to CGroup may also be null or undefined. In this case it is simply ignored by the group.

Now we also want to offer multiple sizes for the printed text. Again, this makes sense only if we have some text to print. We could simply add another element

    ({value = {}}) =>
        value.text && value.text.trim().length > 0
        ? cmember("textSize", "Text Size:", CSelect([
            ccase(5, "5 cm"),
            ccase(6, "6 cm"),
            ccase(7, "7 cm"),
        : null,

to the array given to CGroup([...]. But we want to write the condition only once for better code maintainability. We can do this by combining the two elements for text color and size into a single one:

    ({value = {}}) =>
        value.text && value.text.trim().length > 0
        ? [
            cmember("textColor", "Text Color:", CSelect([
                unansweredCase("Select Text Color"),
            cmember("textSize", "Text Size:", CSelect([
                ccase(5, "5 cm"),
                ccase(6, "6 cm"),
                ccase(7, "7 cm"),
        : null,


  • The function returns an array if some non-whitespace text is given.
  • If a member of a CGroup evaluates to a list, all the members of this list are taken into account.

Overall the argument passed to CGroup is processed recursively as follows:

  • If it is an array, process each element in turn.
  • If it is a function, invoke that function passing the group's context (with a value property holding the configuration state for the group) as the parameter. Process the return value of the function invocation again.
  • If it is null or undefined, ignore it.
  • Otherwise add the argument (typically a cmember(...) expression) to the list of items displayed by the group.

The state of a group is represented as a simple JavaScript/JSON object with properties corresponding to the internal member names from the cmember(...) expressions. A property may be missing or undefined if it is unconfigured. Similarly the entire group state may be undefined if is completely unconfigured. (That's why we provided the default {} for the value in the context argument and why we checked for the existence of value.text before using the string value.

The state of a CString is undefined or a string.

Conditional Menu Entries

[To be written]

Explicit Constraints and Validation

[To be written]

Output: Bill of Materials, Prices, etc.

[To be written]